Monday, April 8, 2013

April 8, 2013


Loved the pictures! Nathan looks like Jared in that picture with him on the couch. It never seems to  be windy when we go to fly kites, so I'm glad you guys were able to actually get them in the air. I actually haven't seen any of conference yet. We won't get to until this  Saturday, but I'm really excited! I heard that you guys just now boxed up all of my stuff, which is pretty funny. I kind of  figured that it would stay where it was until Mark came home. His mission seemed a lot shorter than Jared's for some reason. You need to take lots of  pictures, especially when Jared gets there. We are going to be having some interesting changes here. Next week is transfers and it is going to be a pretty big one,  because they are going to be slowly moving russian speakers east in preparation for the mission split. We also just heard that they are going to be making leadership postions for sisters to accomidate the influx of new sisters that will be flooding us soon. We did a lot of walking this week, because of lack of investigators, but we actually found our first new investigator as a companionship this week, which is really exciting. Anyway, I am out of time, but I love you and expect lots of pictures next week!

Elder Jolstead the Younger 

Monday, April 1, 2013

April 1, 2013


Love the pictures! Kahlan is so cute! And she crawls! I haven't been gone that long yet, have I? It looks like you guys had fun on easter and that Derek has just about reached my height. I thought it was funny how Fonzy's nose was randomly in a picture too. Jared emailed me this week, so I already knew about that. That's really sad. It sounds like Sacrament meeting on Easter was really good. Is Brother Robison the young men's president now? Our Sacrament meeting was pretty funny. The first speaker talked for way too long, so it was about time to close after the first two speakers, so the person who was supposed to give the closing prayer got up after the intermediate hymn and prayed, because he didn't realize that there was still one more speaker. So we just closed the meeting there. It was pretty funny. It's weird to see it all sunny over there. There is still snow on the ground over here, although it is melting, just very slowly. It's probably a good idea to give Fonzy a bath soon so that he doesn't look like he was completely neglected while Mark was gone. Weird that this is his second to last P day. We had a really great week in the mission for baptisms. There were 17 yesterday, which is really amazing! I hope you haven't been desensitized by the amount of baptisms Mark has, cause I know that that is his mission every day, but here it is really cool. I also have some news about my ear. I went to the doctor about two weeks ago and found out that there is some kind of fluid blocking my middle ear, because of a diverted septom in my nose. I am taking a whole bunch of pills that are supposed to clear it out and eventually I will need surgery on my nose. Whether that is before or after the mission I have no idea. I'll keep you posted. Well, I hope everyone enjoys their spring break! All that extra time and a new computer gives lots of opportunities to write people, hint, hint. I love you!

Elder Jolstead the Younger