Yeah the timezone thing messes me up to. If you write on sunday nights I should get it on time. It's weird to think that I am almost on the exact opposite side of the planet. Just a couple of timezones over. I'm glad the play went well. It sounds like you had a bigger part this year. I'm sure that was fun. Ha, ha. That's so cool that Malea is going to Vegas! She'll have to talk to Krystine or something. Is that the mission that she lives in? Has she decide where she is going to go back to school? Yay baptisms! I'm really happy for Sister Rowles! Is her grandson old enough to be baptized yet? I forget. Two of the Elders in our district were supposed to have one on Saturday, too, but the guy never showed up, and he doesn't have a phone, so they still don't know what happened. Really sad. Most people here don't have phones and, or cars, which makes keeping in contact difficult. We had a pretty good week. We got a list of some former investigators that we called and got an investigator and a lot of possibles. One guy that we talked to is from Nigeria and is blessed to know the language of English. That's actually probably more of a blessing for me. He was really prepared and my companion said it's no wonder they are baptizing like crazy in Africa. Hopefully we will be able to meet with him again soon. Everybody looked like they were doing well. Kelleene looked a lot better the second day, so I hope that means she is recovering quickly. When is Jared heading off to school? Well, I think that's it for now. I need to start bringing my journal when I right emails so I can remember some of the cool experiences that happen throughout the week. There are a lot every day on a mission and I am so grateful to be able to serve. I love you all and I hope you enjoy the end of your break!
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